Facebook owners blocked accounts allegedly connected with the KGB of Belarus

Meta has blocked fake accounts from Belarus and Poland for posts about migrants

Meta, which owns Facebook and Instagram, has published a report , in which she reported on the blocking of fake accounts from Belarus and Poland.

According to company representatives, they blocked accounts and groups due to false posts about the migration crisis. The account holders from Poland presented themselves as migrants, and from Belarus as journalists and activists. The report also linked a network of 41 fake Facebook accounts and five Instagram accounts with the Belarusian KGB.

sides of the Polish border guards, ”the report says. It also says that some account holders wrote about relations between Belarus and the Baltic countries in Russian.

Earlier, President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko said that there are about five thousand refugees from the Middle East in the republic. The migration crisis on the border between Poland and Belarus escalated on November 8. The West believes that Minsk deliberately organized this situation.



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