Doctors of the hospital criticized by Mishustin spoke about the problems that “kill” her

Doctors of the Kurgan emergency hospital turned to the Dezdrav because of the incredible workload on staff

criticized Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin, wrote a letter to the Acting Head of the Trans-Urals Department of Health Alexei Sigidaev because of the prohibitive workload. This is reported by 45.RU.

28 doctors signed the letter to the authorities. According to them, the problems of the medical facility “are killing their hospital.” One of them is staff churn. Employees write that there are only two experienced surgeons left for two departments of surgery, one of them is a pensioner. “The workload on them exceeds all conceivable limits,” the message says.

Due to the lack of personnel in the intensive care unit, one doctor supervises up to 13 patients. This is more than double the recommended standards. For a long time, ultrasound diagnostics were carried out by one specialist, who also quit the other day. The only ENT doctor in the hospital supervises patients, performs operations for a small salary, which, according to doctors, is also reduced.

“The head of the department, Alexei Sigidaev, instructed to conduct an internal check to ensure that the information received was true. He took the situation under personal control. The results of the check will be reported additionally, “the Department of Healthcare said.

A year ago, Mikhail Mishustin criticized the medical facility during a visit. Then he said that “it is impossible to work here, nor to be treated normally.”

Earlier in Yekaterinburg, doctors of the central city clinical hospital No. 1 began to leave en masse. About 80 employees have left the hospital since spring.

