Details about the Russian schoolchild who died during the essay have emerged.

Before the death of a student in Lyubertsy during the final essay, his mother took him from the hospital

Until the death of the 11th grader during the final essay at school in Lyubertsy near Moscow, his mother took him out of the hospital. This was told by a RIA Novosti source in the field of urban education.

“Before the exam, the boy was in the hospital, my mother took him on receipt for the exam,” the agency's interlocutor told about the details that appeared.

According to him, a Russian student wrote an essay in an audience for children with disabilities (HIA). He explained that these students take the exam in a different classroom and are given more time to complete it. The source added that the deceased high school student studied at the Lyceum, which is located on Popova Street.

The death of a student in a school near Moscow became known on Thursday, December 2. The schoolboy lost consciousness – according to the preliminary diagnosis of doctors, a blood clot came off. REN TV names another cause of death for the teenager. The channel's interlocutor said that an 11-grader had an ulcer and bleeding.

