A wounded water bird was rescued in Novosibirsk

Rescuers from Novosibirsk took a wounded bird crested grebe out of the water

Novosibirsk rescuers helped a bird with a damaged wing. Eyewitnesses noticed her at the South-West residential area the day before, on December 1, at about five in the evening. This was reported in the group “Rescuers MASS” in “VKontakte”.

Two rescuers in wetsuits went down to the water and tried to catch a bird, which, trying to swim away from people, was constantly diving. As a result, the bird went out onto the ice, where the rescuers caught it. It turned out that it was a bird of prey crested grebe. The video shows that she is trying to escape from the hands of the rescuers.

As a result, a crested grebe with a damaged right wing was added to the Novosibirsk zoo. Rescuers contacted the staff of the institution and delivered the bird.

Great crested grebe, also known as great grebe, is a predatory waterfowl from the grebe family. It is slightly smaller than a duck in size and lives in lakes and ponds throughout Eurasia. Despite the wide range of habitat, the number of these birds is small, the Greater Grecoe is listed in the Red Book. Great toadstools are threatened with extinction due to the fact that women’s hats were once made from their feathers.



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