A popular blogger left Russia after a post about the “shit guards” of Petrozavodsk

Blogger Varlamov left Russia after a lost case over a post about “shit guardians”

Popular Russian urban blogger Ilya left Russia after Varlamov after the Moscow City Court ordered him to remove the post about signs in Petrozavodsk, in which he called local entrepreneurs “shit guards.” After the case lost in court, Varlamov left for Liberia, his lawyer Sergei Badamshin said on his Telegram channel.

“Ilya Varlamov, after the Moscow City Court canceled the decision of the Meshchansky District Court of Moscow to dismiss the lawyer's claims and the HOA, left Russia and went to Liberia, ”says Badamshin's post. At the same time, the lawyer did not specify whether the departure of his client was directly related to the court's decision and what the blogger's future plans are.

The fact that Varlamov lost the case for publishing information about signs in Petrozavodsk on his website became known on December 1 … The Moscow City Court ordered the blogger to remove the post in which the urbanist called Petrozavodsk businessmen and opponents of the new rules for placing signs in the city “shit guards on guard of visual debris.” According to the court's decision, Varlamov must also publish a refutation of these words and pay compensation to the plaintiffs. It was clarified that the court initiated the Petrozavodsk HOA.



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