Tweet about men's “proper wages” has become a meme

Twitter users defined the “threshold for entering a relationship” and turned the phrase into a meme

Twitter user @ kozyre4ek asked subscribers how much a man should earn. This sparked a heated discussion, and the tweet about the men’s “proper earnings” became a meme.

“If you look at the previous novels, it was most comfortable with the earnings of more than 500 thousand [rubles], well, so, probably, the threshold entry into relationships from 100-150 thousand. Sometimes I suffer from charity syndrome and open myself up to unemployed rogues, but I don't advise anyone, it's a thankless task, ”said @TanuXaPacman.

The girl’s comment was not the only version with high expectations, but this option is probably , because of its presentation, became the basis for jokes. It was followed by a wave of new responses, parodying the definition of “the threshold of entry into a relationship.” Users turned the phrase into a meme.

Many commentators played on their subsequent versions using the literal meaning of the word threshold. “The threshold for entering a relationship for others is 500 thousand rubles. The threshold for entering a relationship with me: creaks, “one of the users joked. Other users set a minimum level: they only demanded loyalty, beer, or no Twitter account from partners. “And remember before: the threshold for entering a relationship is one and a half beer,” the guy sarcastically in the comments.

Earlier, a teacher at the Higher School of Economics, Alexander Malkevich, spoke about the importance of sex education and volunteered to confront the “NATO LGBT instructors.” On Twitter, the phrase of the political scientist was also turned into a meme.

