Director of Telecom Daily Denis Kuskov: all social networks interact with the authorities and messengers with government agencies. In an interview with the Radiotochka NSN Telegram channel, the specialist said that all platforms interact with the authorities.
“Any social network, any messenger interacts with the authorities in one way or another. There is nothing unnatural here, ”the specialist assured. According to Kuskov, although social networks seek to show users their independence, they often make contact with the authorities of certain countries.
The Director of Telecom Daily considered that no messenger would be completely free from such cooperation. “You need to understand that there is no network that can guarantee security,” said Kuskov. He also added that the Federal Security Service in Russia interacts with almost all structures, including instant messengers and mobile operators.
At the same time, Kuskov urged users not to worry about the work of platforms with the authorities. “If you do not commit illegal actions, then you should not strain at all, just as you should not share some top-secret information in messengers and social networks, write card numbers when you are not at home, and so on,” Kuskov turned to the users. p>
Earlier it became known that the American organization Property People published a document of the Federal Bureau of Investigation on the interaction of law enforcement agencies with the authorities. According to the document, government officials can access the personal data of users of platforms such as WhatsApp, Facebook and iMessage. To do this, the special services need to obtain a judicial authorization.