The lawyer explained the procedure for the seller's request for cash payment

Kuderko's lawyer advised to complain to Rospotrebnadzor when demanding payment in cash Elena Kuderko, writes the Prime agency.

According to the expert, the consumer has the right to choose how he wants to pay – in cash or by card. It can only be limited by the lack of Internet in a remote area.

The specialist explained the procedure: if the seller requires cash payment for the goods, you can write an application to Rospotrebnadzor. It is necessary to indicate all the circumstances of the seller's refusal to conduct a non-cash transaction and attach a receipt, she advised.

For such a violation, the seller is liable to a fine of 30 to 50 thousand rubles. In addition, businessmen are prohibited from adding two to three percent to the cost of things or services, which they give to the bank as a commission for accepting non-cash payments.

Kuderko drew attention to the fact that a transfer to the seller's card is not considered proof payment to the store. In this case, it will not be possible to return the money back.

Earlier, Nikolai Pereslavsky, an expert at the Department of Economic and Financial Research of the CMS Institute, called the advantages of paying in cash. If a Russian decides to buy an item for cash and then returns it, then the refund will be simplified: usually this happens within ten days, but in the case of cash, the money will be returned immediately.

