The doctor named foods that increase the risk of thrombosis after COVID-19

Nutritionist Zaletova called foods with vitamin K that increase the risk of thrombosis thrombosis after COVID-19.

According to the nutritionist, greens contain a lot of vitamin K, which can partially inhibit the work of some anticoagulants based on the active substance warfarin. “When we prescribe this drug, we recommend eliminating or evenly distributing green foods in the diet,” Zaletova said.

Another risk factor is taking medications that increase blood clotting. In this case, the patient should also not overuse green vegetables. However, if a person takes drugs that affect the density of the blood, a previous coronavirus infection is a reason to reduce the portions of green food to reduce the likelihood of thrombosis.

“For a person who is not on a drug that increases blood clotting, this is not important,” – explained the nutritionist, noting that when eating green vegetables in large quantities, the blood will clot faster, which will give a tendency to form blood clots, vitamin K is responsible for this.

Previously, the therapist Nadezhda Chernyshova called a way to avoid the development thrombosis in COVID-19 patients. The specialist advised to drink more water, since thrombosis is often associated with dehydration. Also, do not sit for a long time in one position, especially at the computer, since blood flows down and it stagnates in the veins of the legs.

