State Duma deputy invites Lukashenko to Crimea for the anniversary of the referendum

State Duma Deputy Sheremet invited Lukashenko to Crimea on the eighth anniversary of reunification with the Russian Federation

Alexander Lukashenko is expected in the republic at any time. However, as an honored guest, he should visit the peninsula on the eighth anniversary of reunification with Russia, RIA Novosti informs about the invitation.

According to the deputy, the arrival of the head of the republic will be symbolic for the whole world, “how to respect and honor the democratic choice of people, and not punish with sanctions and blockades. ”

At the same time, Sheremet noted that Lukashenka should not pay attention to threats and blackmail from Ukraine. “Recognition of Crimea is inevitable, no matter how hard the Ukrainian authorities and their Western partners try to resist,” he concluded.

Earlier it became known that the President of Belarus recognized Crimea as Russian de facto and de jure. In addition, the head of the republic spoke about his visit to the peninsula. A trip there together with Russian President Vladimir Putin will mean the recognition of Crimea as Russian territory, the Belarusian leader said.



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