Elon Musk: the orbits of some Starlink satellites have been changed due to space debris Elon Musk. The businessman's statement is quoted by Interfax.
“We had to shift the orbits of some Starlink satellites to reduce the likelihood of collision [with space debris],” the businessman wrote.
According to him, the cargo The Dragon spacecraft has a shielding to withstand the impact of small, high-speed space debris.
In November, ArsTechnica, citing a FCC filing, reported that the first prototypes of Amazon's Kuiper Global Internet System spacecraft , which will compete with Starlink, is due to launch in the fourth quarter of 2022. The KuiperSat-1 and KuiperSat-2 satellites are planned to be launched from a mobile launcher in Florida on the never-before-flown RS1 rocket, developed by ABL Space Systems with the support of Lockheed Martin, into a near-earth orbit with an altitude of 590 kilometers.