Pulmonologist named the symptoms of lung damage in coronavirus

Pulmonologist Shilova: prolonged fever speaks of affected lungs with COVID-19

In coronavirus, lung damage may indicate a number of symptoms. They were named by a pulmonologist, deputy chief physician of the Federal Research and Clinical Center of the FMBA of Russia, Alexandra Shilova, according to Doctor Peter.

combined with other manifestations of COVID-19, suggests the development of viral pneumonia, “the specialist said.

According to her, with a mild course of COVID-19 without a high fever, a person needs to pay attention to a cough – it may indicate damage to the lungs, but it can be caused by irritation of the upper respiratory tract. A painful, dry and hacking cough indicates patients with pneumonia, Shilova noted.

At the same time, wheezing in the chest and shortness of breath do not always indicate lung damage, the doctor said. She explained that such symptoms can be signs of bronchial asthma, acute and chronic bronchitis, as well as heart failure.

Shilova believes that the most accurate method for determining lung damage in COVID-19 is computed tomography. If the respiratory tract is suspected, it is necessary to assess the condition of the person as a whole, and not to take into account one symptom, she added.

Earlier in Chuvashia, a three-month-old baby received complete lung damage due to COVID-19. The doctors of the infectious diseases department of the city children's hospital №2 managed to save the child – he was constantly receiving high-flow oxygen, they fought for his life for three weeks.



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