Nutritionist named foods prohibited for heart disease

Nutritionist Konovalova forbade people with heart disease to eat fatty meats and sugary foods people with heart disease. She called for excluding fatty and sweet foods from the diet, RIA Novosti reports.

Konovalova called fatty meats and poultry, fatty dairy products and highly processed foods prohibited for heart disease. “The WHO recommends to include in the diet up to 10 percent of the total daily caloric intake of saturated fat, and up to one percent of trans fats,” she stressed.

In addition, there should be no more than five grams of salt per day. day. The nutritionist also called for reducing the proportion of foods with a large amount of added sugars to 5-10 percent of the daily calories. “These include not only sugar, but also honey, preserves, jams, syrups, concentrated juices,” the doctor said.

The physician added that patients with a weak heart should include at least 500 grams of vegetables in the menu and fruits per day, as well as whole grains, low-fat dairy products, meat and poultry, nuts, seeds. Fish and seafood should be consumed at least two to three times a week.

Previously, nutritionist Svetlana Panchenko revealed the consequences of a complete rejection of coffee. She stated that regular consumption of this drink negatively affects the liver, pancreas and blood pressure.



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