Rosreestr: the Smart Cadastre service finds objects without owners two thousand times faster
prompt search of ownerless housing. The system automatically detects the absence of information about objects in the Unified State Register of Real Estate (USRN), according to the organization's website.
Neural networks and spatial analysis algorithms have learned to recognize the contours of buildings, determine the category of real estate and check the availability of information in the USRN or the State Address registry. If the data on the owners is not found, the service notifies Rosreestr about this.
The Smart Cadastre has already been launched in test mode in the Republic of Tatarstan, Perm and Krasnodar Territories and the Irkutsk Region. Rosreestr noted that the system finds and fixes unaccounted objects about two thousand times faster than it is done manually or during face-to-face inspections.
According to the department's statistics, about ten percent of information about real estate is missing in the USRN and almost 46 million buildings do not have official copyright holders. Rosreestr expects that after the introduction of the service in all regions of Russia, it will be possible to obtain data on 17 million objects.
The organization's employees warned that without registered information people cannot sell or inherit real estate. In addition, the lack of data in the USRN often causes violation of citizens' rights and hinders the financing of construction in the regions.
Earlier, Russians were notified of the growing wave of real estate fraud. The Financial University under the government of the Russian Federation found out that the number of such scams in the country increases by eight percent annually, and they are disclosed less and less. Most often, illegal transactions are concluded on the secondary real estate market.