In Russia, applications for reading books will be massively installed on smartphones

Applications for reading and listening to books will be installed on gadgets in Russia

This is stated in a document published on the website of the country's government.

The resolution was signed by Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin. “The list includes applications for reading, listening to electronic and audio books,” the press service of the Cabinet of Ministers said. The changes are expected to take effect from March 1, 2022. The Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media should select free programs that will be massively preinstalled on devices from January 1, 2023.

As noted in the government, the decision to preinstall such programs on smartphones was made in order to create equal competitive conditions for Russian developers and Western players. Owners of gadgets will be able to make their choice of programs on their own: install the necessary applications and erase installed ones if they are not needed.

In April 2021, Russia entered into a law regulating the preinstallation of programs on smartphones, tablets, computers and TVs sold in the country with the function Smart TV.

