FSB showed in the video the detention and arsenal of clandestine gunsmiths in Russia

The FSB showed submachine guns, machine guns and samurai swords confiscated from underground gunsmiths

The FSB showed in the video the arrest and seized arsenal of 85 underground gunsmiths operating in Russia. The video on Wednesday, December 1, is published on its Telegram channel by Zvezdanews.

The footage shows how the FSB special forces detained men involved in illegal alteration and sale of weapons in their apartments, near shopping centers and just on the street. Further, the seized edged weapons and firearms are demonstrated – guns, rifles of the Second World War, machine guns, pistols, as well as knives, grenades and samurai swords.

As reported by TASS with reference to the FSB, among the seized six machine guns, 23 machine guns , 18 submachine guns, 224 pistols and revolvers, more than a hundred rifles, carbines and shotguns. Artillery ammunition, anti-personnel mines, 30 kilograms of explosives and 12 devices for silent shooting were also seized.

Earlier on December 1, it was reported that the FSB had seized 353 firearms from 85 clandestine gunsmiths, having liquidated 17 weapon conversion laboratories.

