Former Russian MP, who beat up neighbors, explained

“360”: ex-deputy of Petrozavodsk who beat up neighbors Zyuzin said that he was provoked

what happened and said the violent conflict was provoked. The official in a conversation with the TV channel “360” assures that the neighbor insulted him and attacked him first.

According to the ex-deputy, the video of the fight that appeared on the networks was edited. Zyuzin added that a case was opened against a neighbor under Article 213 (“Hooliganism”) of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

The ex-deputy stressed that if he had beaten someone, he would not have escaped punishment. The official also explained that the neighbor's wife works for the newspaper. Zyuzin has no doubts that they released a scandalous article.

Earlier in the Vladimir region, the deputy from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, Anton Sidorko, during the discussion of the bill, decided to break the nose of the deputy from the Communist Party of the Soviet Union Ivan Altukhov. A member of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation said that he did not threaten the deputy at that moment, since Altukhov, in his opinion, was “hamloing out of the doorway.”

