In the United States, a person accused of killing Christmas parade participants will be released for a thousand dollars the city of Waukesha, Wisconsin, may be released from custody, as he was given a thousand dollars bail. This is reported by Fox News.
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However, Assistant District Attorney and Court Commissioner for the case, Cedric Cornwall, still set bail in the amount of thousands of dollars. The Commissioner declined to comment on the reasons for the bail amount.
District Attorney John Chisholm called the amount “inappropriately low” and announced an investigation at his office.
A red SUV drove into crowd of parade participants in Waukesha on November 22. As a result, six people died, including an 8-year-old boy, and another 40 were injured. According to eyewitnesses, the offender acted deliberately, directing the car at passers-by. He faces life imprisonment.
CNN bleached the skin of Brooks, who hit the participants in the Christmas parade. At the same time, the publication also contains a subtle note that the attacker's visual data has been changed for security purposes.