Cage, who died under the microscope, showed in the video

Cage, who died under the microscope, showed in the video

Never before has scientific video wasn’t so sad.

Reddit became a popular live single-celled infusoria of the genus blepharisma. In a two-minute video of the microorganism desperately fighting for her life, stirring the hairs, and then dissolves. As follows from the description, the cell is destroyed by exposure to light.

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Death of a microscopic organism caught unawares Network users. It instantly gained popularity, and in the comments people write that this is the saddest video in the scientific world.

The author of the video is 27-year-old American named James, who works most of the time a software tester. Attending courses of biology, he is so enamored of micro-organisms which he saw through a microscope that he decided to continue his academic career in the field of single-celled eukaryotes.

He now works part-time in the laboratory and involved in research of the simplest organisms. In the nearest plans of James writing a book about the wonderful world of microorganisms, and yet he maintains his own blog on YouTube and Instagram, where he presents various interesting videos taken under the microscope.

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Publication of Jam’s Germs (@jam_and_germs) 9 Nov 2018 12:18 PST

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Publication of Jam’s Germs (@jam_and_germs) 26 Dec 2018 at 8:23 PST

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Publication of Jam’s Germs (@jam_and_germs) 29 Nov 2018 5:41 PST

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See also:

  • A lizard, breathing under water for the first time took video
  • Ant-Dracula has set a record for speed bite
  • Scientists have found growing Armillaria, which 2500 years

