The Russians have called the most dangerous form of public transport MOSCOW, Nov 19 — RIA Novosti. Almost half (47%) of Russians believe that the most dangerous form of transport are the bus, more than one third (38%) — plane follows from the study of the all-Russia centre of studying of public opinion (VTSIOM) at the disposal of RIA Novosti. Upstairs According to the study, the most dangerous form of public transport 47% of respondents called the taxi. Among Muscovites and residents of St. Petersburg this is a higher percentage — 59%. According to 38% of respondents, the most dangerous mode of transport is the plane. Almost a quarter of respondents — 23% — believe the most dangerous means of transportation intercity bus, 17% of ground public transport. In addition, the survey showed that public transport is the Russians are the most popular. So, 74% of respondents over the past
Day: November 19, 2018
The date and place of burial of Eugene Osina
The date and place of burial of Eugene Osina The funeral of Russian singer Evgeny Osin, in advance, will be held November 20 at the troyekurovskoye cemetery in Moscow. Such information to the TV channel REN TV was provided by the producer Andrey Razin. Upstairs On the death of Aspen became known on Saturday, November 17. The musician died at the age of 54 years in his apartment in Moscow from heart failure. According to some, during the week he drank alcohol. The body of the actor found his sister Albina. Before that ocean day was not out on bond. According to a leading Dana Borisova, which helped the artist to struggle with alcoholism, Osin became a victim to his pride. Evgeny Osin was born in Moscow on 4 October 1964. He is the author of the famous hits of the 1990s- “Crying girl in the machine”, “Eighth of March”,
It remains only a dream: that ruined Evgeniya Osina
It remains only a dream: that ruined Evgeniya Osina Moscow says goodbye to his singer. Upstairs At the end of the 1980s, it promised to be a big star — his voice was heard from Moscow every evening, switching on the city’s TV channel (in those days considered — and the former is much more modern and progressive than the Central, still retained the patina of the Soviet style of presentation). The song “Bravo”, the singer then worked Zhenya Osin opened stream, and the words “Hey, Hey — don’t spare diamonds” was familiar, it seems that everyone, from small to large. Then followed one solo hit — is the “Girl in the machine”, which came from the yard of the folklore (and from a big poetry — the original text wrote when-that Andrey Voznesensky), and returned in the present national folklore. During the download an error has occurred. And then,
This guy with a guitar. What is most memorable Evgeny Osin
This guy with a guitar. What is most memorable Evgeny Osin At the age of 54 years died a Soviet Russian singer, performer of popular songs Evgeny Osin. Upstairs Evgeny Osin burst into a Moscow rock party in the mid-80s. He was not yet twenty, but had the experience — he played drums in the school band, went to music school and even received a diploma, which allowed him to work in the district houses of culture. In the book Alexander Alekseev “who is Who in Russian rock music” are memories that aspen remembered that “forever Kolobrodov”. He rushed to the concerts of the Moscow rock laboratory, went on stage and I joined the game, and he did not care, who spoke of the “Center” or group of “Night prospect”. True, he gravitated towards alternative rock and pure rock-n-roll, but due to the restless nature of lit in almost all
France called the conditions of participation of Russia in the G7 summit
France called the conditions of participation of Russia in the G7 summit PARIS, 17 Dec — RIA Novosti. France will be happy to see Russia at the G7 summit in Biarritz, if the conditions that were set at the time of the suspension of Russian membership in the organization will be performed, told RIA Novosti Ambassador at the preparation of the presidency of the G7 in France, Jean-Pierre, tebo. Upstairs The presidency in the G7 came to France from 1 January 2019. The summit “the Big seven” will take place in late August in the French Biarritz. “Russia was never expelled from the G8. Russia’s participation was only suspended when the settlement of a number of questions that are absolutely specific terms… Part of Russia (G7 summit — ed.) is encouraged, provided that these will be resolved certain issues in terms discussed,” said tebo. “I think the President of the
Merkel acknowledged the error of migration policy
Merkel acknowledged the error of migration policy German Chancellor Angela Merkel acknowledged the error of migration policy, reports Deutsche Welle. The corresponding statement she made during the meeting with residents of the city of Chemnitz, where in August was killed by a local resident. Upstairs According to media reports, the Chancellor stated that the errors are not that migrants were provided short-term assistance, and that the government did not care about recognition of several countries and regions of the world “safe”. It would, she said, would reduce the influx of refugees. In Chemnitz at the end of August from stab wounds has died 35-the summer local. According to investigators, they paid him two migrant from Syria and Iraq, who were subsequently arrested. Two more people were injured. In addition, during the riots affected a citizen of Russia. After the murder in the centre of Berlin to protest against crime among
Zakharov made fun of “new investigation” Bellingcat in the case Skrobala
Zakharov made fun of “new investigation” Bellingcat in the case Skrobala The official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova made fun of the “investigation” of the project Bellingcat about Alexander Petrov, and Ruslan Bashirova, and noted that the British “are brought itself to clean the water.” Upstairs Published November 16, material Bellingcat said that FSB officers allegedly helped arrange without checking UK visa Petrov and Bashirova, exerting “influence” to the visa center of great Britain. “I knew this day would come! And he came. Bellingcat himself brought clean water,” wrote Zakharova in Facebook. The diplomat called an anecdote the situation described in the article, noting that Petrov and Bashirova in Britain think staff Main intelligence Directorate (GRU), while they “help you get visa” the FSB.
What flower becomes transparent in the rain (photo)
What flower becomes transparent in the rain (photo) It grows on the island. Upstairs Dualistic warming is a perennial herbaceous plant. It is a rare species listed in the Red book of Russia. It can be seen in Sakhalin and in the Botanical gardens. View this post in Instagram A publication from Reece Chow (@ane_reece_chow) November 1, 2018 at 8:25 am PDT During the download an error has occurred. The plant became famous for its ability to “magic” of metamorphosis. On a Sunny day the flowers appear white. But it is necessary to drop the dew or rain to pass — and they become transparent. View this post in Instagram Publication from @sumeyra5314 July 31, 2018 at 6:13 PDT During the download an error has occurred. The thing is that the petals of the dualistic gray there is no white pigment. Their cellular structure is very loose, with lots of
Old master paintings recreated from packaging (photo)
Old master paintings recreated from packaging (photo) The photographer uses film and foam. Upstairs Dutch photographer Suzanne Jongmans creates portraits in the style of old masters paintings. From these works one feature — the quality of the costumes and draperies, the artist uses plastic packaging and polyethylene. View this post in Instagram Publication of Meryem Öztürk (@meryem___maria) Dec 2, 2017 at 12:05 PST During the download an error has occurred. Jongmans seeking inspiration in the works of Rembrandt, Holbein, Jan van Eyck and other artists. “When you look at the old masters, you can feel the era, as reflected in the paintings, she says. And the method I have developed, meets this principle.” View this post in Instagram Publication from Savor Fine Foods (@savorfinefoods) 11 Nov 2018 at 5:08 am PST During the download an error has occurred. In the photos Jongmans encrypted obvious environmental message. But her main goal,
Where growing tomato with orange spines (photo)
Where growing tomato with orange spines (photo) “Acquaintance” with the vegetable ends in disaster. Upstairs The most “unfriendly” tomato in the world grows up to 2 meters, and its stems and leaves are covered with huge spines, which contain poison. This plant is called porcupine tomato, or Solanum pyracanthos. View this post in Instagram Publication from tussy-mussy(yoshinori maeda) (@tussy.mussy) Oct 15, 2017 at 5:27 PDT During the download an error has occurred. Porcupine tomato shrub of the family Solanaceae. He is a close relative of potato, eggplant and the common tomato. Found prickly tomato in Madagascar and other Indian ocean Islands. Sometimes it is grown as an ornamental plant in greenhouses. View this post in Instagram Publication from Blaine Rucker (@ruckusmatic) 6 May 2017 11:05 PDT During the download an error has occurred. Solanum pyracanthos is a very hardy plant. And it is experiencing drought, and cold. Therefore, it is