This guy with a guitar. What is most memorable Evgeny Osin
At the age of 54 years died a Soviet Russian singer, performer of popular songs Evgeny Osin.
Evgeny Osin burst into a Moscow rock party in the mid-80s. He was not yet twenty, but had the experience — he played drums in the school band, went to music school and even received a diploma, which allowed him to work in the district houses of culture. In the book Alexander Alekseev “who is Who in Russian rock music” are memories that aspen remembered that “forever Kolobrodov”. He rushed to the concerts of the Moscow rock laboratory, went on stage and I joined the game, and he did not care, who spoke of the “Center” or group of “Night prospect”. True, he gravitated towards alternative rock and pure rock-n-roll, but due to the restless nature of lit in almost all genres.
I am creating a group for group play in those that have been worked in the rock laboratory. The most famous brainchild of Aspen was a group of “avalon”, but most of these teams now and remember just because they played (usually on guitar) and sang Evgeniy Osin.
At some point he came to Eugene Havtan in the famous “Bravo”: the band quit Zhanna Aguzarova and needed a new soloist. Cooperation Aspen (which in good time “wandering around”) and Jevtana lasted about a year — he went with a group on tour, starred in the video and even participated in the recording of the album “we Say to each other: “Bravo!”. The album was never released — maybe it happened differently, and Aspen fate would have been different. However, in the “Encyclopedia” States that the new singer just has not converged characters with Havana — he was extremely active and always something offered, not just doing valuable guidance. Anyway, this novel never happened, ending with a scandalous divorce. In Bravo, as you know, came Valery Syutkin, and aspens began to float freely. Four songs with his vocals, by the way, was later included in the collection “poems of different years”, “Bravo” released in 1995.
By the early 90s Evgeny Osin already had a small discography, recorded even with the “Bravo” album went across the country in the form of cassettes. Yet he was working with “father frost” (album “Man from the stars”), and with his “Avalona” he released in 1991, “the Bright path of the fire.” But what really rocked his first solo album.
In the “Encyclopedia…” indicates that aspen has set the fashion to the yard romantic song of 60-70 years, back flared trousers and jackets with fringe. The background to this was in the 80s (Vladimir Markin with his trio “Difficult childhood”), but that ocean has really become a trendsetter for this genre. In 1992 he released the album “70th breadth” — with the song “Crying girl in the machine”, which instantly made him famous all over the country. Even though this song was created long before this success — the music of Oscar Feltsman, lyrics — Andrei Voznesensky, and the first performer was the famous singer Nina Dorda. For all listeners of the 90s “Girl” belonged to Aspen. As others sing them old hits like “Eighth of March” (“As you love me, I know all the guys”).
The aesthetics of the 70s with incredible flares, bright stage costumes, a memorable voice and the songs very easy to play at the entrance of the guitar — all this became key to the success of Aspen. He was certainly not complacent, and hard-working it was fixed already in 1994, came the concert “Evgeniy Osin in “Russia”, followed by “mistakes”, where he presented and his own songs. In the future, ocean released the album on a regular basis — but to move away from the genre that made him famous, and could not. However, perhaps he did not try even on the album “Separation”, which was released recently, in 2016, there are songs that are very similar to the “Girl” who was crying in the machine.
In recent years, Evgeny Osin often become a hero of scandalous news. Became aware of his struggle with alcohol dependence, in the summer of 2017, reports emerged that the singer has two left feet and no money for treatment is, of course, was “duck”, but the problem with alcohol really was.
On the death of Aspen became known on Saturday, November 17. As informs TV channel REN TV, he was discovered dead in his apartment; he was found by sister Albina, who came because he hasn’t been in touch. Later, the death of the musician confirmed its Director Alexander Sidorenko. The cause of death could be cardiac arrest. The date and place of the funeral of Eugene Osina will be announced later.