Scientists: Plastic bottles affect the ability to reproduce

Scientists: Plastic bottles affect the ability to reproduce

Regulators do not have time to implement new standards and to ban harmful substances.


Considered safe chemicals for the production of plastic bottles can have a negative impact on the ability to reproduce with the consequences for the next generations.

This is stated in the study by American scientists published in the latest issue of the journal Current Biology.

Researchers conducting experiments with mice, was faced with a deja vu: twenty years ago, they found that the chemical bisphenol a adversely affects the gametogenesis — process of formation of gametes. Bisphenol a was used in the production of plastic cages for mice. Associated with fertility abnormalities were detected accidentally while conducting other research.

For 20 years, the attitude towards bisphenol A was changed — the substance was found to be harmful. Modern standards in many countries prohibit its use in the manufacture of plastic bottles or utensils. Although BPA is still widely used for making sports equipment, medical supplies, sealants, thermal paper, home appliances and much more.

