The stuffed Pelican in the Kiev Museum’s 178-year note
MOSCOW, may 28 — RIA Novosti. In the National science Museum in Kiev during cleaning stuffed red-crested Pelican found a note, which is slightly less than 200 years.
“This artifact from the past revealed the secret of the origin of the exhibit, because an old book of receipts of the Department of Zoology concealed this information”, — stated in the message of the Museum in Facebook.
The note says that the manifold of the exhibit is “Ilya Gavrilovich Voznesenski, who received a red-crested Pelican 15 Oct 1840”. “It happened off the coast of California at Bodega harbour, which bears the name of the Spanish captain”, — reads the message.
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Published by the National science-przyrodniczy Museum of NAS of Ukraine, 21 may 2018,During the download an error has occurred.
“It is the gathering place exhibit, Bodega harbour inspired Alfred Hitchcock to create the creepy Thriller “the Birds,” in which feathered creatures are the embodiment of the fragility and instability of the relationship between man and nature”, — told in the Museum.