Kim Jong-UN expressed his “firm intention” to meet with trump
Moscow. May 27. INTERFAX.RU — North Korean Leader Kim Jong-UN during a sudden to the public a meeting with his South Korean roommate moon Jae Another declared that firmly intends to hold a summit with US President Donald trump, despite the fact that the last several days earlier, cancelled it, informs on Sunday, the news Agency “Yonhap”.
“Kim Jong-UN thanked moon Jae-Iina for his efforts to prepare the summit between the DPRK and the United States scheduled for June 12, and expressed his firm intention to hold this historic meeting”, — said the KCNA (the Central Telegraph Agency of Korea), quoted by Yonhap.
Last Thursday published a letter from trump to the North Korean leader, in which the US President has blamed Kim Jong-UN in “the extraordinary anger and open hostility” due to the fact that Pyongyang has threatened to cancel the summit because of the joint military exercises Washington and Seoul.
Nevertheless, both sides continued preparations for the negotiations in Singapore. Meanwhile, in a press there were messages that to finish the preparations for the June 12 technically impossible, which angered trump, insisting that the time (in case he changes his mind) still abound.
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