Experiment RIAMA: how to choose caviar for the New year Edition RIAMA chose the most delicious red caviar for the Christmas table. Sandwiches with caviar — a symbol of New year in Russia as champagne, tangerines and Olivier salad. However, not all the eggs that are sold in supermarkets as salmon, good quality. Often manufacturers under the guise of fish sell artificial eggs made of milk, eggs, gelatin and dyes or mixed with natural caviar from its substitutes. Journalists RIAMA tested caviar from different manufacturers and determined which are not ashamed to apply for a celebratory table. The terms and purpose of the experiment For the experiment, we chose five popular types of red caviar: salmon caviar, “Putin”, in green the iron Bank at a price of 389 rubles for 95 g, salmon caviar “Avacha” in green W/b (price — 349 rubles per 140 grams), caviar “Meridian” in the glass