Often depression in Russia are suffering in the Siberian Federal district 96.6 per 100 thousand people. Data for 2016 are the national medical research centre of psychiatry and addiction medicine of a name Serbian, reports on Tuesday, December 5, RT. Second and third places are Central (87,1) and South (73,1) Federal district. The lowest rate observed in the North Caucasus (34,9). In other Federal districts the depression hurt less than in Russia on average. For 2012-2016, the incidence has decreased by 8.5 per cent, from 75,48 to 69,05 100 thousand people. “In the Siberian district with a high level of depression and high suicide rates. There may provide insufficient medical care or it is available to more urban dwellers than rural. And South and Central the picture is different: the rate of detection of depressed patients, more actively working with mental health services. In these districts people are registered and