“The effects of the sanctions boomerang will fly in half of Europe”



Another attempt of attack on the Council of the EU towards Russia on the extension of sectoral sanctions for the period up to 31 January 2018 currently does not pull on sensation, it is possible to call the effect of inertial nature. Or substitution yet we don’t know what to do, doing the old”, said the correspondent of IA REGNUM a Professor of the Department of management in the sphere of procurement of Ministry of Rfv REU them. Plekhanov Sergey Orlov.

“From the Russian side it is perceived as a given. You will be talk about the generation of young people the same age as sanctions. In General, Recalling economic history over the last 45 years, I can’t imagine that the economy of the former USSR, and now Russia was not under sanctions — direct or indirect. And just for the Makron is the novelty of the sensation — it shows the position, fulfills what was delivered,” — said the expert.

“If you go to the plane of the figures and the economic “achievements”, the loss of the EU and Russia from sanctions, and not for the first three or four years, and until their complete abolition, will result not in favor of those who imposed them, supported and promoted. Thus, in the period since the beginning of 2014 to June of 2015 the countries that supported sanctions against Russia, mainly France, Italy, Spain and Poland, did not receive profits amounting to $60,2 billion mainly affected industry related to the production and export of grocery products,” — said Orlov.

“With regard to those challenges which we predicted the West, the picture is not quite developed. Seriously affected the finances, including the banking sector and stock market, restricted the activities of large corporations, their leaders. With the initial phase — 2015−2016.g. — much, it seemed the Western “partners” was a success. Sobering comes gradually, and this year the situation is beginning to improve, according to various estimates, Russia’s GDP is expected to increase in 2017 from 1.0% to 1.5%. This, of course, not God knows what, but still the beginning of the progressive movement, which, if intelligently developed, can be continued”, — the expert believes.

According to him, the economic reasons for such sanctions based on a desire to counter Russia’s development in many areas, primarily where there is a competition with her, or in areas that affect the creation of new technologies.

“As for the political sphere, then it is hard to identify who will lose more. The West, including the EU, USA and Canada, treating originated the conflict in Ukraine as a violation of the territorial integrity of the state, blames the conflict, only Russia, making it a very trivial, not to say clumsy, without a deep understanding of the essence of real problems that inherently come at the supra-national, human and humanitarian level,” — said Orlov.

“I would not like to remember relatively recent history, but if you take the Genesis of the formation of present-day Ukraine, it is, in principle, a “patchwork” quilt, where to some for a short period (30-35 years) was periodically added all new territorial entities, without taking into account ethno-cultural, historical, and other features. Even so, today’s Ukraine is so different that to speak of a single state or a single civil society is not necessary. And it is only a private problem of one state,” — said Orlov.

The main risks that short-sighted not considered Europeans by imposing sanctions in 2014, extending it now, it’s nationalism, manifested sometimes in a veiled form, fascist ideology, as well as elements of anti-Semitism, anti-Polish, etc. antiviruskit mood. The consequences of such myopia will soon can boomerang to fly in half of Europe. Therefore, thinking about political ambitions, the current leadership of the EU is not uzril more global, if not civilizational potential problems in the foreseeable future”, — said the owl expert opinion.

Read more: the European Union has extended restrictive measures against Russia

Also: Russia will extend counter-sanctions until 31 December 2018

