In Venezuela, a group of security forces attacked the Supreme court and the interior Ministry

In Venezuela, a group of security forces attacked the Supreme court and the interior Ministry

Security forces seized a police helicopter flew over Caracas with an appeal for disobedience, and then disappeared in an unknown direction. Authorities called the incident a terrorist attack.

MEXICO city, June 28 — RIA Novosti, Dmitry Znamensky. Tuesday night in Venezuela was the “hot” — a group of security forces seized a police helicopter fired on and threw grenades at buildings of the interior Ministry and the Supreme court (SC) declared the beginning of struggle against the regime of President Nicolas Maduro, and then disappeared in an unknown direction. Authorities called the incident a terrorist attack and began the search involved in the events of people.

The call for Maduro

The conspirators are well coordinated. Simultaneously with the attacks on the Ministry in the Internet appeared the video message recording officer Oscar Perez, who heads the group. From the record it is clear the goals that we have set ourselves the security forces.

We demand President Nicolas Maduro Moros, your immediate resignation along with your Ministers and the immediate destination of the General election.Oscar Perez

Included in his group of people he called nationalists, patriots and statesmen. It is not clear how many members are involved in the organization, the security cameras show four men in masks and with weapons, standing behind Perez. The Perez your face does not hide.

According to him, the group has no party affiliation. “This is not a fight against the rest of the armed forces, and against impunity, imposed by this government, against tyranny, against the dying of the young people who are struggling for their legitimate rights. Against hunger, against lack of health care and against fanaticism. It is a struggle for life, for hope, we are building”, — stated in the message.

We spend a deploying air and ground forces with the sole purpose to return power to a democratic people and to restore constitutional order.Oscar Perez

Unclear about deploying any forces said Peres, but so far no activity of his associates do not show. But the authorities responded immediately, moving to the streets of Caracas armored vehicles. To search for the elusive conspirators yet connected forces.

Moreover, just a few hours before the event, President Maduro has promised to use weapons to protect the interests of the Bolivarian revolution and achieve the goals it considers right for the country.

If Venezuela was immersed in chaos and violence if it was destroyed by the revolution, we would go into battle, never give up. And something that is impossible to achieve the votes would have made weapons. We would have liberated our homeland with weapons in their hands.Nicolas Maduro

#LasMásLeídas | roba helicóptero Militar y lanza granadas contra sede de TSJ de Venezuela

— EL HERALDO (@elheraldoco) 28 Jun 2017

The attack on the interior Ministry and the court, no one was hurt, although the use of firearms and grenades. According to the Minister of communication and information Ernesto Villegas, according to the interior Ministry, on the terrace, which hosted the reception on the occasion of the national Day of the journalist, was made 15 shots. In the building of the armed forces threw four grenades, imported from Colombia and made in Israel, one of them exploded.

The attack on the sun is explained simply — the court, observers say, has long stood on the side of Executive power, arguing almost all decisions Maduro. The attack on the interior Ministry less understandable, especially when you consider that Perez rejected the opportunity to explain their motives for revenge. Maybe that’s harsh actions of law enforcement officials against demonstrators in Venezuela in recent months and became the reason why the conspirators decided to strike at the Agency. According to recent reports, during the protests since the beginning of April, 75 people were killed.

The reaction of the sun to the events already announced in the statement of the head of the court of maykel ‘ Moreno.

It cannot be called by another name, in addition to terrorism, such acts will not intimidate the judges, but on the contrary, they will be more rigid in their actions in the framework of the Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela Meikel Moreno

La importancia de los titulares.@elmundoes : Venezuela.@elpais_espana : Yihadismo.#cadalococonsutema

— Belén Jimenez (@belenjimenezalm) 28 Jun 2017

According to Minister Villegas, the helicopter used in the attacks belong to the body of scientific, criminal and forensic investigation police of Venezuela (CICPC) was stolen from air force base name of Francisco de Miranda in La Carlota. Perez stole his suspected ties to the CIA. “Against him is under investigation on his relationship with the CIA and the Embassy in Caracas. Also investigated its relationship with the former Minister of internal Affairs, who recently publicly confirmed his contacts with the CIA,” said Villegas.

We are talking about Miguel rodríguez Torres. However, it is already stated that the government was wrong, and Oscar Perez had not worked. Pilot, if Rodriguez Torres, according to him, was Pedro Perez of the intelligence service SEBIN.

The attack on the constituent Assembly failed

Minister Villegas emphasized that the attack will not prevent the planned election of a constituent Assembly that would prepare amendments to the Constitution of the country.

“None of these attacks hurt the national constituent Assembly and electoral process on July 30,” said Villegas. This number is planned to hold the elections of the members of the Assembly.

The idea of convening a meeting causes a sharp rejection of the opposition, which believes that its scheduling must be done through a popular vote. The authorities said that the proposed changes to the basic law will be submitted later to a national referendum.

Rebelde Un policía roba un helicóptero y dispara contra el Tribunal Supremo de Venezuela

— Ultima Hora Mallorca (@UHmallorca) 28 Jun 2017

Predecessor Maduro, Hugo Chavez, at the head of Venezuela survived a coup attempt. The twelfth of April 2002, he was overthrown, however, after two days he regained the power.

The military arrested Chavez faltered, been carrying it from place to place trying to get signatures on a letter of resignation, which could give an appearance of legitimacy to the new authorities. One of Chavez sympathizers officers could pass for a few moments, arrested the President of your mobile phone. Chavez called his wife one of the daughters to pass through them, that he has not filed and will not resign.

The army coup was not supported. In the end, April 14, Chavez returned to the presidency with the support of loyal units and numerous supporters.

Observers find it difficult to say what constitutes the action of the group of Perez now. On the one hand, to warn the authorities of the intention to make a revolution — it’s very strange tactics of the coup. On the other, Maduro challenged, and he, Perez and his followers are not caught. Whether the real force behind the Peres or he acts as a loner, will be known soon.

