Mike Pompeo
The Director of the CIA Mike Pompeo said that Russia decades trying to undermine democracy in the United States. He told this in an interview with MSNBC that Saturday, June 24, publishes NBC News.
Commenting on the situation with the “Russian intervention” in the US presidential election in 2016, Pompeo said, “the Intelligence community have said that the Russians interfered in the elections is not the most original way. They’ve been doing it for a very long time, the Russians decades trying to undermine American democracy.”
He also noted that information about “the Russian intervention” should not surprise anyone. “In a sense, this is not news, but it definitely puts more emphasis on our ability to figure out how to stop them”, he added.
Also the head of the CIA pointed out that the President of the United States Donald trump is attentive to information of the intelligence community. In recognition Pompeo, he personally reports to the head of state for 35-40 minutes each day, and sometimes more.
“I can’t imagine a more false statement than that the President trump is not interested in data exploration and information relating to national security. He is incredibly demanding of the intelligence community,” said Pompeo.
Russia has repeatedly accused of meddling in the US presidential election with the help of hackers. American journalists and officials asserted that they allegedly kidnapped the correspondence of the Democrats, and later posted on the Internet, and tried to penetrate into the electronic system of counting of votes. Moscow denies such accusations. President Vladimir Putin did not rule out that the mysterious hackers could be based in the United States.