A third of respondents called for a visa regime with Ukraine

More than half of Russians (59 percent) who participated in the survey, “Levada-Center”, called bad their attitude to Ukraine. 26%, on the contrary, positively evaluate neighboring state, 15 percent were undecided. The study is published on the organization’s website Friday, June 23.

Respondents were also asked to choose one of the opinions with which they agreed. Option “Russia’s relations with Ukraine should be the same as with other States — with closed borders, visas, customs” was preferred by 35 percent of survey participants.

However, the majority of respondents (50 percent) felt that both countries should be independent but friendly: with open borders. For the Union of the States voted nine percent of Russians.

To the question “do you follow the latest events in Ukraine,” 43 percent of study participants said, “no special attention”. 20% said that it was not interested in the subject, and two percent haven’t heard a thing on this issue. However, 35 percent aware of what is happening in Ukraine.

The survey was conducted may 19-22, 2017. It was attended by 1.6 thousand people in 137 communities of the country. The error does not exceed 3.4 percent.

Ukraine is currently working on the issue of introduction of a visa regime with Russia.

