Denis Butsaev
Moscow oblast is the leader in most of the macroeconomic indicators in Russia, said the Minister of investment and innovation region Denis Butsaev. His words leads “Riama” on Wednesday, June 21.
“First is industry, second place, third place in terms of life,” said Butsaev at the conference in Berlin, in which the Moscow region delegation presents region investment potential.
He also stressed that the region prepares the highly skilled staff that work in particular in the industrial sector.
On 19 June, the Chairman of the Committee of Eastern European chamber of Commerce of Hamburg, the head Medicatus Holding AG Mirko Novak during the suburban road show said that the Moscow region has risen by 12 positions in the international investment rating due to the special economic zones (SEZ) operating in the region. He also noted that over the past three years, despite sanctions, the volume of investment by German politicians in Moscow the company increased.
On 2 June it was reported that Mosoblasti took ninth place in the National rating of investment climate of Russian regions, compiled by the Agency for strategic initiatives (ASI).