The employees of the Gulag history Museum will travel to uranium mines

The staff of the Museum of Gulag history to conduct research on uranium mine Butugychag in Kolyma. About it reports TASS.

“There will be space scanning, 3D-fixing all the buildings that remained with the camp time. We need to scan the maximum possible technical means, then to this material was presented at the Museum in Moscow”, — explained the Museum’s Director, Roman Romanov, whose words the press service quoted. The material collected during the research camps of dal, will also be transferred to the local history Museum.

The Museum Director said that in 2014 the research was carried out in the camp of the Dnieper in the Magadan region, where the technology of 3D scanning space was tested for the first time. The collected materials are now stored in the Magadan regional Museum.

“Kolyma entered its tragic page in the history of our country. The history of dalstroi, of all the many camps that were here 80 years ago, is a terrible page, and in any case it is impossible to forget about them”, — concluded presidential adviser Mikhail Fedotov during a meeting of the working group on implementation of the state concept of perpetuation of memory of political repression.

In 1931 was established the state trust “Dalstroy”, which was engaged in gold mining, road and industrial building with the use of prison labor. He was eliminated in may 1957.

