Alexey Kudrin advises to lay off one third of officials

Alexey Kudrin advises to lay off one third of officials

In the presidential administration are discussing the reform of public administration.

In presidential administration yesterday began the discussion of the project of the Center for strategic research (CSR) on the reform of public administration.

According to “Kommersant”, the team of Alexey Kudrin offers 2018-2024 years to reduce the state apparatus and its costs by about 30% from the present, to form a digital data ecosystem for public administration, and the government — “strategic unit” under the control of Deputy Prime Minister as a permanent mechanism project activities of the state. The very civil service CSR proposes to make a hybrid, providing it futures contracts and the “career” track, as well as centralising personnel administration and the Federal employment Agency. The cost of public administration, according to the calculations of the CSR should be reduced from the current 2844. rubles a year per citizen to 1990 RUB.

The theme of “transformation of public administration” in 2016, when CSR began developing a program of economic reforms under the presidential campaign 2018, remained along with the foreign policy initiatives of the completely closed part of the development team, Alexei Kudrin. The program CSR in may, was handed over to President Vladimir Putin, “Kommersant” published the main provisions of the presentation of the head of the Board Alexey Kudrin at meeting at the President on may 30, but the program is not yet published.

According to “Kommersant”, the CSR, including on the reform of public administration is expected to discuss the administration of the President separately. Yesterday the topic was the subject of the meeting at the head of the presidential administration Anton Vaino — “Kommersant” managed to get acquainted with the basic provisions presented in the meeting of CSR initiatives.

The underlined arevolucionaria project, one of whose goals is declared the creation of a new administrative culture of the civil service, there are plans for a fairly significant effect on the practices of the Federal Executive.

The technical goals of the program until 2024 — increasing the level of digitalization processes in public administration from 5-10% to 50% decline in the share of expenses on ensuring work of the state apparatus in General government spending from 2.5% to 1.74%, participation in the design of works not less than half of the state, and work on assignments (outside of routine processes and projects) — up to 20%. In addition, the total number of civil servants will be reduced — from the current and 148.3 per 10 thousand population to 103.6, i.e. about 30%.

In the project five separate blocks.

The first involves the reduction to four geostrategy the first level (national security, scientific and technological development, socio-economic development and spatial development — the adoption of new documents after the adoption of these strategies is proposed to impose a three year moratorium), the integration of “portfolios of projects”, programmes of change management.

The CSR program offers a save on the second, subordinate level strategies by highlighting them in the project and process part. The role of the President, decisions and orders of the government in the work of the state apparatus (this is a common thought for all the projects of reforms of civil service in Russia from 2009) to reduce, in the government to allocate “strategic bloc” under the leadership of Deputy Prime Minister. The unit is expected to monitor and control the implementation of strategies of the first level, coordination, and correction programs. In fact, the proposed reform must move from the AP to the White house part performed by the administration of the President and take control of a structure similar to the current “project office”, a part of the functions of public administration, now realized personally by Vladimir Putin and Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev on the basis of own ideas about how they need to be implemented.

The second and third blocks — the creation of a digital ecosystem of public service and digitalisation of informprotection in public administration. This part of the program is similar to the proposals from the HSE, but deeper and shorter time — a six-year project proposes to increase the level of digitalization of the state service in five-ten times.

Interested in the suggestion of the creation of an analog “back-office” system of civil service (“Common service centre”, employed including routine operations, document management and records management), as well as the idea of “administrative Tribunal” for quick procedure, the elimination of redundant government regulation. CSR supports the idea of distributed registries for open informsystem, common formats API open and regulated access, use of big data along with statistical formats, common open data standards.

The fourth and fifth projects is dedicated to personnel and personnel culture, their aim is, in particular, the increase in the rating of prestige of the state service for the population from the current 6% of respondents (the figure is driven by CSR, has not previously been published) to 60%. Proposed centralization of Federal (Federal employment Agency) and regional (at the level of regional governments) personnel policies with the normative model. Now part of the personnel policy at the highest levels, formally and informally implemented the AP, the White house and intelligence agencies, but most is extremely fragmented.

The idea of a “mixed model state civil service” CSR offers three levels of civil service: urgent service contracts, a system of “career” civil service and the (existing and now) of the “higher administrative body”: guarantees, KPIs and incentives within them will be different. “Model the values of public administration”, which will cultivate the new system is expected to consolidate and inevitable for this kind of research “Ethical code” of the civil service. It is meant to be one of the foundations of the civil service as a “learning” organization, self-generating society needs changes within.

The development of CSR in principle, does not deny the influence of the civil service of political institutions, but the idea of controlling the bureaucracy in Russia is established by law through political means developers obviously indifferent. So, almost not mentioned in the text, the state Duma is seen rather in the concept of “taking into account the views of interested groups”, rather than as a full-fledged institution of representative democracy.

Dmitry Butrin

