Telegram was partially unavailable in Russia due to the interlocking system of Roskomnadzor

Telegram was partially unavailable in Russia due to the interlocking system of Roskomnadzor

Russian users of Telegram reported temporary unavailability of the messenger. The problem is caused system features locking Roskomnadzor.

According to the consultant FBK Vladislav Zdolnikava, owner of one of the domains blocked by the office, made the IP address Telegram and several other resources in the list of domain names (DNS), according to TJournal.

Mr. Smolnikov explained that the system locks Roskomnadzor is arranged so that any owner of the forbidden resource may break other sites or services. According to him, the owner of the forbidden domain made in DNS ‘ Telegram, “Classmates”, the First channel, Facebook, peek-a-Boo and other. It is noted that access to these resources was restricted to only some users.

Recall that in may Roscomnadzor made in the register of banned websites ‘ messengers BlackBerry Messenger, Imo and Line, as well as audiovisual chat Vchat. The services were blocked after he refused to give the Russian authorities the data about users and their activity. In addition, they refused to recognize the organizers of the dissemination of information.

