American in Orlando discovered more bodies with gunshot wounds

Continued: Police in Orlando said the death toll in the shooting

In the U.S. city of Orlando (Florida) police found several corpses with gunshot wounds. It is reported by CNN.

The body was discovered in an office environment. According to the chief of the local police at the scene, investigators are working.

According to eyewitnesses, cited by the Orlando Sentinel, the police arrived employees of fire protection.

Other details not reported. Soon, law enforcement officials must act with the special statement.

In the night of 12 June last year, ethnic Afghan Omar Matin attacked the night gay club Pulse in Orlando, Florida. A criminal armed with a rifle and a pistol, closed the club together with a few hostages and started to shoot them. After a few hours the suspect was eliminated, the surviving hostages are released. Killing 50 people, including the perpetrator, 53 injured. This attack is considered the largest in U.S. history, have occurred with the use of firearms.

The responsibility for what happened assumed banned international terrorist organization “Islamic state”, saying that the man who attacked a gay club, was a fighter.

