The factory, “Karabashmed” in Karabash, Chelyabinsk region. In July 2010, the Prosecutor ordered him to carry out the modernization of production to stop the pollution of the environment.
All-Russian organization “Green patrol” has made an ecological rating of Russian regions by the end of spring 2017. The purest was the Tambov region and the dirty — Chelyabinsk (85-e a place). Analysis of the list of causes RT.
A member of the Federation Council from the Chelyabinsk region Irina Hecht notes that the subject remains the thorny issue of air pollution. “There are problems, but there are dynamics in their decision — the same emissions reduction. Also the region is the pilot region for the introduction of new emission standards. Let’s hope that in the nearest future the situation will begin to change for the better”, she explained.
One of the leaders of the rating were also Republic Altai (second place) and Altai Krai (third place). The last lines are located in Sverdlovsk (84th place) and Leningrad region (83rd place).
Moscow, which by the end of winter was fifth, down two points. Right behind her is Saint Petersburg, it rose by one point.
“In the capital held a lot of events dedicated to the Year of ecology. There continues to be improvement and other practical environmental actions. But emissions of hydrogen sulfide spring in the capital and extremely strong hurricane may 29, at the end of the season reduced the environmental rating of the region by two points,” — said the Director of environmental programs “Green patrol” Roman Pukalov.
The analysis took into account the condition of the air and water, the number of discharges and emissions of harmful substances, as well as the responsibility of government and the activity of local public organizations.