Kadyrov proposed to give the iPhone the truth about Chechnya


RIA Novosti

The head of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov, again criticized public speakers, including politicians and journalists who distort, in his opinion, the situation in the Republic. As noted by the head of the region, many are confused, where the truth and the lie, while not wanting to come to Chechnya to see for yourself.

Funny that the European community is not interested in the war in the East, global warming, the problems in their own countries, but tales of the Chechen Republic them very-very attracted – he wrote in his Telkegram channel.

In our Republic every day is Open Day. Come. Write the truth. But somehow inactive strive for objectivity journalists , – said Kadyrov.

The head of Chechnya also made a suggestion on how to fix this situation. Though direct competition is satisfied – write the truth – will get the iPhone 7 , he concluded.

On the eve of Kadyrov made a proposal to German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Emmanuel Macron and German Chancellor Angela Merkel to visit Chechnya.

