The number of victims of landslide in Colombia has exceeded 300

The number of victims of landslide in Colombia has exceeded 300

Victims of mudflow in the Colombian city of Mocoa on Saturday were more than 300 people. Colombian authorities have ordered an investigation into the incident.

At least 2.5 thousand people are currently in temporary shelters.

The Colombian government has ordered an investigation into the incident.

Investigators will have to find out whether building codes are met and how the officials were prepared to operate during natural disasters.

“It’s not about punishment, but about preventive measures,” explained the Colombian official who initiated the investigation.

“What good is it to punish people now, after so many deaths,” added Edgardo Maya.

Some areas of Mocoa are still without water and electricity, to deal with looters sent police reinforcements.

James and his foundation, Colombia Somos Todos, donated 60 tons of water, food and clothing for the affected by the landslide in #Mocoa

— colombian af (@BeiingColombian) 6 APR 2017

Rescuers search for victims trapped buried under the blocks.

In search and rescue operations involved more than 1100 Colombian soldiers and police.

Heavy rains, which lasted several hours, has led to the fact that the rivers in the region overflowed. The landslide was caused mainly by the flood waters of the mocoa river and its tributaries.

chematierra : Lamentable,
Las inundaciones y aluviones de #Mocoa #Colombia superan los 300 fallecidos

— Jorge Favaloro (@JorgeFavaloro) 6 APR 2017

Antes del martes quedaría restablecido el servicio de energía en #Mocoa: MinMinas

— MCN Noticias (@mcn24H) 6 APR 2017

Rescuers reported that the bad weather conditions hamper the search for victims. Also severely hampered access to the affected areas — many bridges in the region destroyed, damaged roads.

#Internacional | Ya suman 301 los #muertos por avalanchas en #Mocoa

— Intolerancia Diario (@IntoleranciaID) 6 APR 2017

Who vigila Y estos dineros? Emiratos Árabes donó 7 millones de dólares para la reconstrucción de #Mocoa

— SIL-Arz C. Alexander (@SILAlexanderArz) 6 APR 2017

