Scientists named the most smokers and non-smokers of the world

Scientists named the most smokers and non-smokers of the world

MOSCOW, 6 APR — RIA Novosti. The total number of smokers in the world reached one billion people, and today every fourth man and every twentieth woman are tobacco depend, according to a paper published in the Lancet.

“Current measures against Smoking helped to lower the harm of tobacco to human health, but we still can do a lot. Today the number of smokers is growing faster than the number of people who quit Smoking, what suggests that we need to prevent initial tobacco use and help people quit Smoking,” said Gakidou Emmanuela (Emmanuela Gakidou) from the University of Washington in Seattle (USA).

Scientists estimate that the number of smokers on Earth in 2015 amounted to 933 million and at the current time their number, if their rate of growth has not changed, was supposed to exceed a billion people due to the fast growth of smokers in the most underdeveloped countries of the world. If these trends continue, in the current century Smoking will kill about a billion people worldwide.

The majority of smokers living in Asian countries — the “big three” of the rating are occupied by China, India and Indonesia, where almost 400 million men regularly smoke cigarettes, pipes and other tobacco products. Most women smoke in the United States, China and India, where about 13 to 17 million women regularly or occasionally use tobacco.

If we talk about how many men smoke in selected countries, here as well the leaders of the Asian countries — Kiribati, Indonesia, Laos, Mariana Islands, and in Armenia almost half of the representatives of the stronger sex is smokers. Among women, this role is occupied Greenland (44%) and countries of the Balkan Peninsula, in Bulgaria, Greece, Montenegro, Croatia and Macedonia smoke about 25-28% of women.

The top five countries where tobacco claimed the maximum number of lives, including Russia — it is in this anti-rating 4th place, behind China, India and the USA, and bypassing Indonesia.

In these countries each year about 200 to 800 thousand people die from Smoking, and in China this figure reaches 1.8 million victims. In total they account for about half of deaths from tobacco around the planet as a whole.

As noted by Gakidou, there are positive trends in 30 countries, the total number of smokers has not increased, but decreased, while the number of people who smoke on a daily basis, overall decreased by 28% for men and 34% for women compared to 1990. Most are progressing India — on its territory the number of regular smokers declined by 3% each year since 2005. Comparable success was achieved by Brazil, where the number of smokers fell to 56-57% for the last 27 years.

Current trends, as noted by Matthew Myers (Matthew Myers), the head of the Foundation to combat Smoking among children, indicate that measures to combat Smoking in the future will need to focus on low and middle income. Otherwise, 80% of deaths related to tobacco will occur in these countries in 2030, concludes the expert.

