Essay for kids “terrible Bolshevist power” on gossie caused a scandal

Yuri Afonin

Interpretation of events related to the revolution of 1917, on the website “Russian symbolism”, that calls itself “the official state resource,” has caused a mixed reaction in the network because of the extremely sharp epithets against the Bolsheviks in the article for children. In this case, after the Deputy’s request, the website stopped working.

At the end of March, bloggers drew attention to the material “essay on the history of Russian coat of arms for children,” the unnamed author of which claimed, inter alia, that in 1917 “the revolutionaries or the Bolsheviks” got enemies money and weapons and made a revolution, destroyed the army, “the best people” “killed or expelled from Russia”, “seized power, began to Rob people, weak to hurt all that was good in Russia, to destroy”.

According to the author, the Bolsheviks were “so cruel as no one ever anywhere in the world.” “Nobody was spared by the revolutionaries, were killed and children and women and old people, destroyed entire cities, entire edge, entire Nations. All who resisted, who at least in some obeyed, didn’t every single one of the Bolsheviks destroyed,” he said. “And reigned over our country’s terrible Bolshevist power — the power of the ruthless, bloody reign. As soon as the Bolsheviks power in Russia was captured, they began to change everything that was old and good — to destroy on their own, in-bolshevitsky remake,” added the author (spelling and punctuation preserved — approx. “Of the”).

The portal thus has positioned itself as “the official state resource” controlled by the Heraldic Council under the President of Russia and the Ministry of communications and mass communications. It mainly focuses on the official Russian symbolism and its history.

The Deputy of the state Duma, Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist party Yuri Afonin on Friday, March 31, sent requests to the Prosecutor General of Russia Yuri Chaika and the head of the Ministry of communications Nikolay Nikiforov proposed to verify the materials on the website for compliance with legislation and to evaluate the publication. In his view, such texts “serve the purpose of inciting strife in society on the basis of differences in the socio-political views” that is unacceptable”, claiming the title of the official organ of the heraldic Council under the President of the Russian Federation”.

As at the time of publication of news site “the Russian symbolism” doesn’t work — index-page is a empty file, and the rest of the pages removed. The Google cache is unavailable, however a copy of the page of the objectionable material is stored in the edition”.ru” on March 30, prior to the removal of the site, confirms the correctness of the quotations given in the message, and parliamentary queries Afonin.

Official comments about what in fact represented the website and which government body was controlled until it was suggested.

