The historian thinks he’s found the coin I century ad the true image of Christ

The historian thinks he’s found the coin I century ad the true image of Christ

English historian and scholar of the Bible Ralph Ellis argues that the only authentic image of Jesus Christ is the face on the bronze coin of the first century.

Hitherto it was believed that the bearded face on the coin, whose diameter is only 24 mm, belongs to the king Manu, the Governor of the state Osroene (Edessa), located in the South-East of modern Turkey.

#Jesus Is this the first true portrait of JESUS? Historian claims coin from 1st Century AD is the… via #hng #news

— †avistock Reeves (@TavistockReeves) 29 Mar 2017

The results lasted about 30 years of research, Ellis came to the conclusion that ruled in the middle of the I century BC. e. king Manu VI and Jesus Christ are one and the same man, reports the Daily Mail.

Historians have studied the biography of Manu and Christ and found them to be a coincidence and intersection, which, in his opinion, cannot be accidental.

Ellis believes that the same man later became known under the names “king Izas Manu” and “Jesus Immanuel”

Jesus Christ is most frequently depicted in Western culture personality, however none of the sources, including the Bible, gives his physical description. His classic look includes long hair and white clothes, has a more recent origin, approximately related to the VI century BC

Your insights 59-year-old Ellis is outlined in the recently published book “Jesus, king of Edessa”. He notes that the traditional crown of the kings of Edessa was a crown of thorns, similar to that Christ was forced to wear before execution. the analogy between the purple robe of Christ and the traditional purple robes of the kings of Edessa, symbolizing, according to the historian, the struggle against the Roman Empire.

According to Ellis, the actual dates of the life of Christ should be shifted approximately 30 years later, and in fact he was not a peacemaker, as he is traditionally portrayed as one of the key figures in the Jewish-Roman war, the ruler who defied the Roman Empire and was killed.

Critics of the theory of Ellis’s claim, however, that the face on the coin does not belong to Manu VI, a descendant of Manu VIII, who ruled for about 70 years after the events described.

