Press Secretary trump got in a fight with a journalist because of the question about Russia

Sean Spicer Press Secretary of the President of the United States Donald trump Sean Spicer during a regular press briefing joined in an emotional discussion with a representative from the media. On Tuesday, March 28, according to RIA Novosti. According to the Agency, the reason was the question of the alleged connection team Republican with Moscow. The reporter started it by saying that the current leadership of the United States “over two months of work got history with Russia, listening,” but Spicer interrupted her, said that “we don’t have that”. “You got Russia. And the facts are that all the people for which briefings have been held on the matter — Democrats or Republicans — came to the same conclusion”, — stated the official representative of the White house, implying that the evidence relations team trump of Moscow were found. In the ensuing dispute the journalist was trying to finish

Poklonskaya think about the punishment for lying in declarations

Natalia Poklonskaya In the state Duma can discuss how to punish deputies for false information in income declarations. This was announced by the head of the Duma Commission on control over reliability provided by members of the information about income and property of Natalia Poklonskaya on his page “Vkontakte” on Tuesday, March 28. The MP noted that this issue was discussed during the meeting of the Russian deputies with the representatives of the international organization Group of States Against Corruption (“the Group of States against corruption” — approx. “Of the”). “We were talking about the absence of a specific gradation of sanctions against members (in addition to early termination) for failure to meet the deadline of declarations or the provision of deliberately false information in the absence of an administrative or criminal offense,” wrote Taylor. She suggested that this issue “may be further elaborated by the state Duma”. 23

Putin and Rouhani discussed the nuclear disarmament and terrorism

Vladimir Putin and Hassan Rouhani The presidents of Russia and Iran Vladimir Putin and Hassan Rouhani insist on the sustainable implementation of the Iranian nuclear program (INP), said in a statement the two leaders after their talks in Moscow. It is reported by TASS on Tuesday, March 28. “Russia and Iran, noting the importance of this Joint plan as a multilateral international instrument approved by the UN Security Council, stressed the need for full implementation by all parties of their obligations under this document,” — said in a statement. The leaders also agreed that the Treaty on the nonproliferation of nuclear weapons is the basis for greater efforts on disarmament. Putin and Rouhani also discussed during the meeting, the fight against terrorism. “This fight we will continue until the end of the terrorist actions in the region”, — quotes the President of Iran RIA Novosti. The Russian leader, in turn,

Russian hacker pleaded guilty in U.S. court

Russian hacker pleaded guilty in U.S. court MOSCOW, 28 Mar — RIA Novosti. Russian Maxim Cenis, was extradited from Finland to the US on charges of computer fraud, pleaded guilty in court, reports Agence France-Presse, citing the statement of the American Ministry of justice. Cenis were temporarily detained in Finland on 8 August 2015 at the request of the Ministry of justice on the basis of the agreement between Finland and the USA on extradition in connection with the crime. Senaha in Minnesota is accused of committing numerous computer fraud and abuse. The Russian was handed over to American justice in January 2016. According to the prosecution, the Russians have used malicious software to infect tens of thousands of computers in USA and around the world to capitalize on the bogus “clicks” on the advertising sites. It is expected that the verdict Senahu will be submitted in August.

In South Africa at the age of 87 years died a friend and colleague of Nelson Mandela

In South Africa at the age of 87 years died a friend and colleague of Nelson Mandela PRETORIA, March 28. /Offset. TASS Alexander Nechayev/. Ahmed Kathrada — known fighter against apartheid, a friend and colleague of the first black President of South Africa Nelson Mandela (1918-2013) died on 28 March in South Africa on 88-m to year of life. This is stated in a statement released on the website of the “Foundation Ahmed Kathrada”. “The Foundation of Ahmed Kathrada” with regret reports that the veteran African national Congress (ANC) today in the morning died at the hospital, Donald Gordon in Johannesburg, — stated in the message. — This is a great loss for the ANC, the liberation movements and South Africa in General. RIP “Uncle Kathy” Ahmed #kathrada anti apartheid hero, Robben Island prisoner, #Mandela’s great friend, and a very kind & gentle man — Ben de Pear (@bendepear)

Nikolay Noskov was hospitalized in serious condition

Nikolay Noskov was hospitalized in serious condition MOSCOW, 28 Mar — RIA Novosti. Russian singer Nikolay Noskov was in the hospital in serious condition, the doctors were able to stabilize, the press service of the contractor. “The results of the survey doctors prepared him for surgery to remove a blood clot in the cervical region”, — reads the statement of the press service. Intensive therapy Socks spends in clinical hospital “Lapino”. The next concerts of the singer is scheduled for the end of April. Whether they migrated is unknown.

Named the most popular attractions of Britain

Named the most popular attractions of Britain Became known the most popular attractions in the UK, and the first ten are in London. It is reported Hello with a link to a list compiled by the Association of Leading Visitor Attractions (AVLA). The leader of the list for the tenth consecutive year, becoming the British Museum. In 2016, there have been more than 6.4 million visitors. The second line is the London eye (6.2 million persons), the third Tate Modern gallery (5.4 million). This is followed by the natural history Museum, Centre, South Bank, Somerset house, science Museum, Victoria and albert Museum, the tower of London and the Royal museums Greenwich. Tower bridge – a drawbridge in Central London on the river Thames, near the tower of London. | Source: RIA “Novosti”

Putin discussed with the Director of the Pushkin Museum, the development of national culture

Photo: RIA Novosti Russian President Vladimir Putin discussed with the Director of the Pushkin Museum Irina Antonova the development of national culture and of the Museum itself. “The meeting discussed the issues of development of Russian culture in General, and further development of the Pushkin Museum”, – said the press-Secretary of Russian leader Dmitry Peskov. He recalled that Putin and Antonov have agreed to meet during a recent phone conversation, when the President congratulated her on the anniversary. “It was during that telephone conversation it was agreed on a personal meeting,” – said Peskov.

Rogozin came up with a rap about “mastermachine and otmorozennogo” Ukraine

Photo: RIA Novosti Deputy Chairman of Russian government Dmitry Rogozin said the author’s REP for a statement of the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko about the attempts of Moscow to blow up the country from within. The text Deputy Prime Minister posted on his page in Facebook on Monday, March 27. “Ukraine has Rashoroshina, Aroused, stirred up, Laugh, sleep deprived, Obeshali, the Case was made, otprasili, used to Live — not grieve, And now — collapsed”, — wrote Deputy Prime Minister (the spelling of the author saved — approx. “Of the”). The text he titled as “REP of Ukraine”. Earlier on Monday, Poroshenko at the celebration of the national guard under stated that Moscow is trying to embroil Ukrainians. “Russia has long realised that outwardly, Ukraine bare hands will not take it,” he said. Dmitry Rogozin has regularly commented on the statements of the authorities of foreign States, especially

Putin and Rouhani opened a new page in the history of Russian-Iranian relations

Iran’s President Hassan Rouhani and Russian President Vladimir Putin, Moscow, March 28 © Mikhail Metzel/TASS MOSCOW, March 28. /TASS/. “Thorough and efficient” called Russian President Vladimir Putin talks with his Iranian counterpart Hassan Rouhani. The two heads of state discussed a wide range of current international issues and focused on the prospects of expanding trade-economic and investment ties, especially in energy and transport infrastructure. Following the meeting signed a joint statement, the content of which indicates the coincidence of positions of Moscow and Tehran on key issues on the international agenda. In addition, in the presence of Putin and Rouhani signed 16 bilateral documents on cooperation in various fields, including lines of Gazprom and Russian Railways. “Relations between Russia and Iran are indeed friendly, respectful nature,” – stated the Russian leader. “We are at a new stage of relations”, – noted with satisfaction that, in turn, the President of Iran.