Found guilty of the survivability of cancer cells

Found guilty of the survivability of cancer cells

A group of researchers from Johns Hopkins University suggested that evidence that large portions of the human genome have differences in the reversible epigenetic modifications of DNA, which may explain the ability of cancer cells to effectively adapt and share.

A study published in the journal Nature Genetics.

These results indicate that not everything in biology is so predetermined, according to many scientists. If so, then our findings may affect the way we treat cancer and other age related, zabolevaniyah Tinbergen of the authors, Professor at Johns Hopkins University

Epigenetic modifications affecting the DNA sequence itself, can affect which genes aktiviziruyutsya and blocked in each cell. Thus, they provide a variety of tissues in the body. However, in this study, biologists noticed significant differences even in the same type of tissue from animals living in the same conditions. According to the authors, these variations indicate that there is a predetermined opportunity for change, giving certain cells advantage in a rapidly changing environment.

Using applied physics in the Ising model, the biologists calculated the probability of finding epigenetic variation in different types of cells: healthy and cancer cells of the lungs, liver, brain, skin, and embryonic stem cells. They found that in cancer cells a variety of random DNA methylation higher than in healthy controls, which may increases their ability to resist the adverse effects (chemotherapy).

