Police did not allow the duck to die under the wheels of a subway train

Police did not allow the duck to die under the wheels of a subway train

Several new York police had to take part in the operation to rescue ducks from the rails of the subway in Brooklyn.

The guards were called to the Jefferson Street station on the morning of 17 March. As it turned out, in the ways of wandering is unknown how they got to metro duck, AP reports. The birds rescue attended four law enforcement officers. In the end, the duck pulled out and carried from the station. Video evacuate the police Department has posted on his Twitter account.

Sick of the snow & too tired to fly, Bklyn duck tries taking #Ltrain south for warmer air. Thanks @nypdtransit @nypdspecialops for the lift! pic.twitter.com/LCbuwMdhYE

— NYPD L Train (@NYPDLTrain) 17 Mar 2017

Subsequently, the duck in a special box was taken in one of the local parks and released.

Ducked our cops at Jefferson St, nearly roasted by the L train, the apprehension went swimmingly, we’ll add the return trip to his bill… ? pic.twitter.com/nwHU77dPh7

— Chief Joseph Fox (@NYPDTransit) 17 Mar 2017

