The state Duma has introduced criminal penalties for the transport of bullies


RIA Novosti

The state Duma meeting on Friday adopted in the third reading the law on criminal responsibility for the brawlers on public transport.

According to the law introduced criminal responsibility for hooliganism committed on different types of transport: rail, sea, inland water or air transport and any other transport.

Under the hooliganism in this calculation is a gross violation of public order expressing clear disrespect for society. The punishment for such an act provides till five years of imprisonment. If the act is committed by a group of persons by prior conspiracy or by an organized group or with resistance to representative of authority or to another person acting for public order protection or a person preventing breach of public order, the maximum penalty is imprisonment for seven years. If the bullying committed by use of explosives or explosive devices, faces up to 8 years of imprisonment.

Also the criminal code is supplemented by a new article establishing liability for committing an act of hooliganism actions that threaten the safe operation of vehicles. We are talking about acts that were committed outside the vehicle and which will be subject to the so-called “train surfers falling” and bullies throwing stones at trains or laser pointers blinding pilots. The maximum penalty for this is provided in the form of imprisonment for two years.

