Media: trump confused Irish proverb poems by Nigerian poet
MOSCOW, 18 Mar — RIA Novosti. Favorite “Irish proverb” US President Donald trump was one line from a poem by Nigerian poet-lover, CNN reports.
March 17 — St. Patrick’s Day — the politician met with the Prime Minister of Ireland Andoy Kenny. Trump admitted that “the meeting with the Irish friends” forced him to remember the proverb, which he heard “many times” and that he really likes.
“Always forget wrong friends. But always remember those who remain faithful” — quoted trump
Immediately after the words of the American President got in the media, Irish users of social networks began to write that I’ve never heard such proverb. The most curious was found out that for the first time these lines were published on PoemHunter website and are part of a poem by the Nigerian Albashir Adam Alhasan.
Alhasan working as a Bank Manager, told reporters that he wrote the poem more than 10 years ago, when I was in College. Then he could not think that his words will quote “at this level,” admitted the young man.
“Maybe I shouldn’t have become a banker, it was necessary to be a poet,” joked Alhasan.