The media learned about US plans to sell a large consignment of arms to Taiwan

The administration of the President of the United States, Donald trump intends to sell to Taiwan large lot of arms, Reuters reports, citing American officials.

In particular, Taipei may get advanced missile systems and anti-ship missiles.

It is expected that the batch of weapons will be considerably greater than that which was planned by the previous administration of Barack Obama on the eve of the expiration of his term. The cost of the transaction, in all probability, will exceed one billion dollars.

As noted, the transaction can be concluded in a few months or next year. In Washington are afraid to worsen relations with Beijing, in particular, may be jeopardized cooperation in areas such as the impact on the DPRK.

At the same time, according to sources, negotiations between Taiwan and the new US administration has already begun. Official comments from the White house does not.

It is assumed that the supply Taiwan the arms will potentially be aimed against the people’s liberation army of China, and the deal itself will cause resentment of Beijing.

Despite the fact that the United States diplomatically recognize the PRC and is committed to the concept of a unified Chinese state, with Taiwan links them with the military-technical cooperation. Relations between Beijing and Washington deteriorated after the trump in December 2016, in violation of the traditions we talked on the phone with the head of Taiwan Tsai ing-Wen.

