Italian paid 70 thousand Euro for the dinner grandma with Berlusconi

Silvio Berlusconi

Italian for 70 thousand euros bought my grandmother a dinner in the company of former Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi. About it reports Tgcom24.

Evening with 80-year-old media Mogul has become one of the lots in the charity auction organized at the initiative of the Italian red cross. The proceeds from the sale, donate the victims of the earthquake in Central Italy.

As noted, the woman decided to participate in the event in order to make a nice grandmother. She is a longtime fan of the former head of the Italian government.

It is reported that the elderly woman has yet to go to dinner with Berlusconi. It will be held at his luxury Villa in Arcore to Milan. The exact date of the meeting will be called in the next few days. The offer is valid for a maximum of three people.

24 August 2016 in Central Italy was a strong earthquake. Then in the town of Amatrice and neighboring Accumuli and Arquato 300 people died, thousands of homes were destroyed. Seismologists have recorded more than 45 thousand aftershocks, including a major earthquake in October, magnitude 6.6, in which dozens of people were injured.

