The state Duma approved a ban on the work of the physician after 65 years

The state Duma Committee on Federal structure and local government supported in the first reading the bill forbidding citizens to hold the office of chief physician in the hospital after the age of 65. On Thursday, March 16, reports RIA Novosti.

“The bill proposes to set the age limit for replacement of posts of heads and Deputy heads of the state and municipal medical organizations. Such positions may take individuals not older than 65 years regardless of the time of conclusion of the employment contract”, — stated in the explanatory note to the document.

It is planned that after reaching the age of doctors will be with written consent to transfer to other positions that match their qualifications. At the same time, it is noted that the term leadership may be extended by the founder to 70 years by the General meeting of employees of the organization.

In the Udmurt Republic from January 1 of the doctors in the medical institutions were obliged to quit. It is assumed that in this way of Smoking physicians will be motivated to lead a healthy life, and they will be able to set a positive example for other residents of the region.

