Archaeologists have found a mysterious pyramid in China

Archaeologists have found a mysterious pyramid in China

An ancient tomb in the shape of a pyramid was found on a construction site in Zhengzhou.

Residents of Zhengzhou is already being called an unusual ancient burial “magic”. But to determine how old the tomb, who is the owner and why it was built in that particular form required detailed analysis, says the Daily Mail.

Archaeologists discover ‘mini pyramid of China’ | Daily Mail Online – Daily Mail

— CHIRON INC (@Chiron_INC) March 15, 2017

Pyramid is one of the two tombs found in the burial chamber the staff of the Bureau of cultural heritage, Zhengzhou. Another tomb has the shape of a half-cylinder is a chamber 30 feet long and 8 m wide, the ends facing West and East, entrance on the East side. A narrow passage leads to the main dome near the pyramidal tomb.

Experts say that in this region, you can often see the tombs with a gabled roof.

Archaeologists discovered a tomb in a pyramid shape by the Yellow River near the ancient battlefield of Three Kingdoms.

— All Things Chinese (@ClassicChina) 13 Mar 2017

Henanzhai Bureau of cultural heritage reports, such tombs appeared during the reign of the Han dynasty (206 BC — 220 ad) and were often built of brick.

